Saturday, September 3, 2011

Hoggle Zoo

We finally made it to the zoo!! Yippee Hurray Yee Haw. Brad could not make this trip but we sure did miss Dad. Darn work. So the three of us went. I was so nerves to make this trip all by myself I think that's why we have not gone till now.
But they both did so awesome at the zoo.It was the perfect day to go the weather was nice not to hot. We wanted to go before the dinosaurs were gone so we went on the last day they were there. It was fun Xander was really scared of the dinosaurs though. I kept trying to get him to go stand by one but he wouldn't. I told him that they were fake and not real but he just looked at me like I was super CRAZY!! I was telling him this has a Zoo keeper came by she was listening to this conversation so she knelt down to him and said

do you see this Badge? Xander says yes, she said well with this badge I can not tell a lie with it, your Mom is right the Dinosaurs are not real they are totally fake and they are fun to go up next to and be able to touch and see. He totally looked at her and just laughed and said whatever and just shooked his head at the both of us. What a little stinker. These dinosaurs were huge and they moved there heads and roared it was fun to see. I think that it is hard to understand at three yrs old that they were fake when all the other animals there are real. We got to see and do lots at the zoo we saw all the animals. Here are Xander's favorites he told me to take the pictures of them.
The Elephants

Xander on the Rhino He loved playing on it.
The Graffias's
The Tigers which was sad we did not even get to see one of them. They are Xander's ultimate favorite animal at the zoo. These little tiger's are so cute though.
This was Xander trying to see his tiger's I think it was a let down for him not to be able to see the tigers but I told him that we will come back in a few weeks and they should be there. I sure hope so.
Then it was time for the MONKEYS hurray for the monkeys. I at least knew there would be Monkeys. They are one of his favorites to. My camera started to act crazy so this was the only picture I got with the silly little monkeys.
 He was so happy to stand there he had fun seeing how small he was compared to the Monkeys. It was fun to see.
Then there was a dinosaur that he would actually go up to It didn't move or roar so I think he thought it was pretty safe to go onto.
Then it was time to go on the train he loves loves loves trains he wanted to go on it right at first but I told him no if he was good we would go on the train. They both were ROCK STARS, so we went on the train.
I am so glad that we got to go to the zoo with just the three of us because it got me to see that I can do big trips like this on my own. I was just terrified of going and having them freak out on me in the middle of the zoo on me. Griffin normally dose not like the stroller but he loved it.
 I think its cause he could sit straight up in it un like the others that we have. The Zoo was a blast Xander keeps asking if we can go back to the Zoo so he can show his Dad all the fun things he got to see. So in a couple of weeks we are going to go back. I love being able to take my kids to fun different things. This was Griffin's first time at the Zoo. Sorry this has to be my longest entry yet but its worth it and know it over.
The End. 

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