Friday, September 2, 2011

Harold the Helicopter

Xander makes me laugh so so much. He definitely listens and hear's more then what we think. So we bought him this Thomas Mega block set and he absolutely LOVES it. He has been into Thomas a lot lately. Any ways it comes with Thomas, Percy and Harold the helicopter, and then all the track and little stations etc. He has this one Thomas train that is battery operated he likes to play with that one all the time the train is pretty cool it will even go on the carpet. So he is playing in the front room and then I here the closet door open then he says Mom where are the batteries.

I said they are in the closet why? He comes into the kitchen holding the batteries and the little mega block Harold and he says that he needs it to go swoosh swoosh swoosh and fly in the air. I laughed and said sorry buddy that Henry cant fly he is not made to do that. He tried and tried to get the battery to stay under Harold but it wouldn't. He started to get mad and he said fine

I will just wait till Dad gets home he will be able to help me. I told him the same thing that his Dad would not be able to do it either because this type of  Harold is not made to fly. You know what he told me he said my Dad will be able to make this fly for me because my Dad is a electrician he will make it happen. I do not think Xander knows what his Dad really does but I do know that his Grandma and I have both said similar things like that, that Brads an electrician so he could make anything power operated. Anyways I thought it was way cute how he thought his Dad could make it happen. He still trying to make it fly. Lol I love is imagination I wish I still had that.

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