I can not believe that my sweet little baby boy is ONE!!! Oh my heck where has this first year gone? He was born October 25th 2010 at 5:16pm he weighed 7lbs 6ounces
and 19 1/2 inches long. Has of today he weighed 20lbs 14ounces and he is 29 1/2 inches long what a big boy he has gotten to be his shoe size is 3 he wheres 12 month cloths. He is so much fun to be with he is learning so much he says a lot of words some of the words he says are Dada, Mama, uh oh, don't, hi, nader for Xander, Papa, Helicopter believe it or not he does, truck, ball he can say quiet a bit. He is not walking
yet but he is so so so so so close to be being there we walks along all the furniture and get one hand off of the coach and then you think he is going to go for it then his big brother will zoom past him and it scares him so then he will put both hands back onto the coach. For his birthday we went and got his 1 yr old pictures done by Mary Kim so stay tuned for that post because oh my heck these pictures where fun. Then we went and got his birthday balloons they were so cute we all had fun picking them out.
It was Mickey mouse and some fun colored balloons of course this little guy LOVES LOVES Mickey Mouse. Then we went to Wendys for some lunch it was yummy. Finally Dad came home we were all so happy we played some games and then it was time for Mom to make dinner. My parents and Brother came over to have dinner and to see Griffin open his gifts. We have a tradition in our little Family that we get the kids one of those fuzzy little chairs Griffin absolutely LOVES his chair. He will sit in it and kick his feet and then tap his little hands on the arm rest its like he is saying awh this is my spot. lol
Here are some pictures of him opening his gifts we were waiting for my brother to get off of work before we did the gifts and cake and every time a car would drive past our house Xander would say okay Mom its time Uncle Riley is here I would tell him no he is not here and Xan would say awh come on Mom I would tell him just wait a little longer he would say ok and then two seconds later start asking the same thing over again I think he was more ex sided to have Griffin open his gifts then anything. Here are some pictures of Griffin opening his gifts.
Then it was time for him to have his cake. I love this part I think it is so cute how they are so careful at first. They look at you and then the cake and they are like really this is all mine to dig into. I think it is hilarious to see. This kid got covered in it. He had a good time. Here are some cute pictures of his cake and then of him getting into it.
He was covered in it. After he finished his cake we took him right to a bath and he had a good time playing in the water he loves bath time. It was a great day to turn one. I just can not believe that he is one. It just seems like yesterday we were coming home from the hospital. I can not wait to see what this next year will bring you sweet little boy a whole new world is going to be coming your way and you will be having so much fun learning and seeing new things thats for sure. I just want you to know Griffin that I love you so much and you are the sweetest little guy and I am so so very blessed to have you has my son and to have you be in our family you are a blessing and you are just so precious. I love you dude.
What a messy little dude. But he sure liked his cake. Happy Birthday Griffin!